Overview of the Genius Bytes products

In the following we would like to introduce our different software products.

The aim of the following description of our products is to show the added value of our solutions from the view of the end customer. You can find the technical background on our product pages, which we refer to at the end of each section.

Our solutions can be configured and combined in many different ways. The variety of functions is largely the result of customer requirements. This enables you, as a customer, to successfully implement the goals you have set yourself for your printing, digital and security strategies. This granularity of functions is one of the strengths of our solutions. We try to adapt to you so that you can implement your concepts and goals and do not have to make any compromises.

Genius MFP multivendor solution for multifunctional devices

Genius MFP
– Input and Output Management System

Managed Print Services is probably the most common term associated with our products in the past. Apart from typical functions such as printing, scanning, cost management, reporting, etc. that are associated with this software family, we can do much more today.

Flexible user interface
Independent of vendor
Extension of security
Standardization and creating the foundations
Reduce costs and protect the environment – at the same time
Long-term investment security
Genius MFP + Genius Server

For more detailed functional descriptions, please refer to the product description Genius MFP >

Genius BPM for your processes

Genius BPM
– Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

Figuratively speaking, Genius BPM is a digital IT workshop. No matter what workflow comes into this IT workshop, we find the right tool to process it. If it is missing, we also have the right toolmakers, to stay with this picture. For more information about the customization options we have to offer, please visit the customization pages.

Technically, Genius BPM is equivalent to an Enterprise Information Management system, where BPM stands for Business Process Management, which is one of several core components of the Genius Server. Genius BPM not only defines your processes, but also allows you to track them in real-time. This distinguishes us from many simulation and calculation process solutions. With Genius BPM you can see and “touch” them.

Process Designer (BPM Editor)
New functions
One solution
No Compromises
Digitalization and transparency
Central management
Genius BPM + Genius Server

If you are interested in more examples of our EIM tool, please read on Genius BPM here >

Genius Server the digitization platform

Genius Server
– The heart of Genius MFP and Genius BPM

The Genius Server acts as the heart of the Genius MFP and Genius BPM solutions and handles all communication with the IT infrastructure in the customer network.
As a data platform, it connects all required IT infrastructure components. It distributes or executes the various tasks to them, coordinating and monitoring their execution.

Genius Server + Genius MFP + Genius BPM = One Platform
No extra license costs

If you are interested in more technical details, please read on Genius Server here >

Genius EAM pro-active monitoring

Genius EAM Services

What is the Genius EAM Service

The Genius EAM service is a combination of solution specialists and specialized application monitoring software.
This combination allows you to proactively monitor your IT infrastructure solution, using the Genius EAM Server and Software Agents.

Genius EAM beat

Our greatest achievement is to discover a problem even before it happens.

Mattias Horst

founder of the Genius Bytes

Who needs the Genius EAM Service

If this is an interesting topic for you, please contact us – here >

More technical details can be found on Genius EAM here >