Dear partner/customer!

The past few weeks’ events have presented us all with new challenges in many areas. For us, as Genius Bytes, acting responsibly towards our partners, customers and employees is an important concern. The majority of our employees work from home, so that at Genius Bytes everything continues to go its usual way.

We are well equipped for working from home and can be reached via the usual communication channels.

Our technical support, sales, IT operations and all other teams are available for you as usual.

Possibly there may only be slight delays in the dispatch of ordered hardware.

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and local authorities, travel should be limited as much as possible. To protect everyone, it is therefore important to reduce personal meetings with customers and partners as much as possible. We use high-performance virtual platforms like Gotomeeting as alternative communication channels. Of course we are also available for you via all the usual online channels and the telephone.

Stay healthy

With kind regards

Thomas Pempelforth and Matthias Horst

Author: Thomas P. + Matthias H.
